Tuesday, April 12, 2016

4 months

And I’m ok. I’m sick, I’m off work and I’m ok. Earlier this week I was a little quiet and one of my best friends asked me what was wrong. She was worried about me because I was to quiet. I told her I was ok, I’d just been thinking about Kaleb and I needed a hug from him.
Jump to last night. I was sick yesterday like sicker than I’ve been in years. I tested negative for the flu but the symptoms were there. So I came home at lunch. We’d been looking for another dog to give Goober a playmate and Jimmie found one, just happens to be when I was puny. . So last night while sick and tired I had a dream. I don’t remember what led up to it or how it finished but I was in a room with the other boys talking and in ran Kaleb. He jumped up and sat on the counter beside us, joined in the conversation laughing and smiling. Then he jumped down, hopped over to me and gave me the biggest hug and then he was gone. For anyone that knew Kaleb personally you can picture that happening. It was the best dream ever and came when I needed it the most.
So I’ve been home all day just me and the dogs and I’ve been good all day.

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