Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Spread The Word

Decided to start a facebook page for spreading suicide awareness.  Then I can separate my facebook and this page.  Some people aren't in a place where they can talk about it, or where they are comfortable reading about it.  By creating the page I can post regularly and people choose to follow that page so I don't have to worry that I'm creating another problem.

I invited several of you to like the page.  If you didn't receive an invite and you want to follow it search pages for "Kaleb's Story" or click on the link below.  I'm hoping to use that page to spread statistics, helpful information, inspirational quotes and my blogs that are specifically about our experience.  If you choose to like the page I ask that you share it on your feeds to try and get the word out.  To my surprise there have already been several people I don't know that have liked it.  That makes me think it's getting out there.  It went over 100 likes in the first day.  It's almost to 150 now.  It's not a store that sells something and gives away free things.  It won't run specials to get a good deal, but it will provide education.  Ways to approach the subject of suicide with kids specifically.  I want to lean more towards educating about teenage suicide because that is what impacted our family.  There are different organizations out there targeting different areas of suicide prevention and I'll share some of those links as well in case you want to follow them also.

I'm not big on public speaking.  I don't know how to organize functions, or do big fund raisers but I do know how to use social media (sometimes more than I should).  Hopefully this will be my way of contributing to the fight.  But to do that, I need your help.  To get pages out there and seen it takes people sharing it and spreading the word.   So I ask whether you choose to follow the page or not, please share this post with a link to the Kaleb's Story.  I only have so many friends on my list, but those friends have many more on each of their lists all over the world.

Thank you for helping.  I hope to help decrease the number of parents who "find" their child, or get "that phone call".  But in addition hopefully by spreading awareness it will help kids not get to that point.  They will seek/accept help earlier.

Link to Kaleb's Story on Facebook.

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