Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Happy Birthday Kaleb Forever 17

Your laugh was unforgettable.  The way your eyes twinkled and that smirk you'd have on your face when you thought you'd got away with something.  That booming voice of yours that could be heard for miles.  The many cowlicks you had causing  unique hair patterns and those sharp knees, elbows and butt bone that you loved to dig into people.  That sharp angular jaw line and those baby blue piercing eyes.  The endless puns, one liners, jokes and punchlines.  Your go or go home attitude.  Not afraid of anything including me.  I never found your "currency" as Dr Phil puts it.  I never learned what made your tick.  You were as unique as they come.

Today is 21 years since I gave birth to you but you were only given 17 years 1 month and 1 day on this earth or 6241 days.  You were so special that's all God had planned for you.  You touched so many people in the days you were given here.  And you are making such a difference even after your death.  You taught me so many things.  You taught me there are different ways to accomplish the same goal, and to respect peoples differences.  You taught me patience and some mean negotiation skills.  You taught me humility and that it's OK to ask for help.  You taught me to live EVERY SINGLE DAY like it's your last because tomorrow isn't promised for anyone.

I believe that everyone is only given so many days on this earth.  I've always believed when it's your time, it's your time whether you’re driving a race car, swimming with sharks, skydiving or sitting at home on your couch, when your time is up, it's up.  I wasn't able to apply it to your death until recently.  But it must have been your time.  No matter how you go, if it wouldn't have been your time, you'd still be here.  So I've stopped imagining a career, wedding, grandkids because I know they were never in  your cards.  You were given to us for 6241 days, to make a difference in our lives for that time, and then for us to make a difference in other peoples lives for the rest of ours however many more days that may be.

So I'll celebrate the day of your birth and this marks 21 years since the day of your birth but you are Forever 17.  Love you forever Kaleb.  I will continue to #BeKalebsVoice in the fight against Suicide and to help bring Suicide Awareness programs into the mainstream.

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