Friday, August 16, 2019

16 years and Cruising Final Preparations

This was the start to my morning. 😂😂 We are only taking Rex to Kamp K9 the first week then Goober is coming next Friday. Rex decided he wasn’t leaving without Goober and Goober  was not happy about being left. So I had one in the house whining to get OUT and one 70 pound Australian Shepherd refusing to load up that kept running back trying to get IN.  Finally end up having to get Goober out and put him in the car to try and coax Rex in but he had figured out it was a trick and was still having none of it. I did finally catch him and carry him to the car (and get his collar back on him).  Poor Goober had to go back in the house. Then had to listen to Rex cry all the way to Kamp K9 because he missed Goober. I’ve never seen a more dependent dog. He has to have another dog around. Get to Kamp K9, Micah carried him in, he was still sulking.  Her husband gets the bright idea to let their dog out to come see him and I’ll be darned if Rex doesn’t perk right up and forget about being unhappy to run off to play with Cooper.  All he needed was a dog forget people.  ðŸ™„

Finally make it to work much later than planned.  Had a pretty good day. And you know what time it is?? Vacation time!!! Emergency numbers written for Ryan. He may be an adult but he’ll always be our little boy. Lists made and crossed off. Bags packed and ready. Documents printed.  Leaving for the Big Easy bright and early in the morning.  It’a time to get #16yearsandcruisin started.

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